Did you know?
Indonesia produces 5.4 million tons of plastic waste per year and around 170,000 tons of it are not managed. Of which, 50% of the total is in the form of shopping bags, to be precise as many as 85,000 tons per year or the equivalent of 10,625,000 pieces per year.
Plastic waste is very dangerous.
For the environment, plastic waste can trigger climate change, flooding, and damage river and marine ecosystems. For humans, plastic waste can break down into microplastics which we can unconsciously touch and breathe and cause health problems. Plastic waste is also carcinogenic, which means it can cause cancer. Want to know other facts regarding the dangers of plastic waste? Come see more information about the dangers of plastic waste and easy steps for a plastic diet that you can download in the Easy Steps Pocket Book for the Plastic Diet in this pocket book!
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