After issuing Bandung City Regional Regulation Number 17 of 2012 concerning Reducing the Use of Plastic Bags, the Bandung City Government issued the Mayor Regulation Number 37 of 2019 concerning Guidelines for Implementing Bandung City Regional Regulation Number 17 of 2012 concerning Reducing the Use of Plastic Bags, as a technical and technical guide in efforts to reduce the use of plastic bags in a measurable manner in Bandung City
The scope of this regulation is based on five main points, namely the plan to reduce the use of plastic bags, the ability of business actors and plastic bag providers, incentives and disincentives, community participation, and the establishment of plastic bag-free areas. In terms of the plan to reduce the use of plastic bags, the Bandung City Government requires all providers and business actors not to provide plastic bags for free and is obliged to reduce the supply of plastic bags gradually until it reaches 100% by 2025.