Executive Director
Deputy Director
Communication Manager
Senior Research Lead
Senior Social Education Lead
Senior Project Lead
Digital Communication Staff
Visual Design Staff
Project Officer
Tiza has led Diet Plastik Indonesia, and co-founded it, since 2013. She feels grateful that the environmental law knowledge she learned in college can be used to make changes. In her spare time, Tiza enjoys making doll houses out of cardboard for her children and doing water sports. Tiza is an alumna of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (2002) and Harvard Law School (2010).
Rahyang has more than 10 years of experience in environmental campaigns, especially in limiting plastic waste. He obtained a Master’s degree in Communication Science from Paramadina University (2019). Having a background of experience in various activities regarding a zero waste lifestyle is one of the reasons that brought Rahyang into the world of plastic waste advocacy and campaigns. Rahyang is also a member of national and global organizations, namely Break Free From Plastic, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) Asia Pacific, and Zero Waste Indonesia Alliance (AZWI).
Dithi is responsible for organizational communication strategy at Diet Plastik Indonesia, both internal and external. Armed with the knowledge she gained as a graduate from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia and Master of Communication Science at the LSPR Communication & Business Institute Jakarta, Dithi explored various approaches to contribute to environmental issues. For him, trial and error is a natural thing in finding the right targeted strategy for communicating on social issues. Dithi will be very happy if you are invited to eat seafood together, especially if you go on a diving trip in remote parts of Indonesia.
Zaki is a researcher at Diet Plastik Indonesia. He has experience in various social research for almost 10 years. Zaki completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 2012. He then continued his studies in psychology at the same campus in 2015, and philosophy at the Driyarkara College of Philosophy in 2020. Apart from enjoying outdoor sports activities, Zaki is also interested in conversational activities related to issues of science, ethics, and religion.
Sarah is the Senior Social Education Lead at Diet Plastik Indonesia. With an educational background in health from Padjadjaran University, Sarah believes protecting the environment through youth action and advocacy is very important in creating a sustainable ecosystem that promotes decent health for everyone. Having more than five years of experience in youth-led movements, currently Sarah is still active in several youth organizations that focus on empowerment, tobacco control and education.
Nofi currently serves as Senior Project Lead at Diet Plastik Indonesia. This International Law graduate feels that his knowledge of international law can touch on multiple issues, one of which is the environment. Nofi has been consistently involved in environmental issues for the past 9 years. His involvement in environmental issues was also driven by Nofi’s experience in managing projects for 10 years. Nofi’s experience also motivates him to implement more and more projects that use environmentally friendly concepts and can even encourage behavioral changes to reduce the use of single-use plastic.
Renata is responsible for digital organizational communications at Diet Plastik Indonesia, both in conveying advocacy messages, desk research, and personal approaches to audiences and the media. Armed with the knowledge obtained as a Master of Communication Science graduate, Renata really wants to dedicate herself to disseminating information related to environmental issues. This is proven by Renata’s joining 3 environmental organizations that focus on single-use plastics, forest and land fires, and air pollution. Renata also firmly believes that the power of communication is very strong in preserving our earth.
Conveying messages and communicating through images and colors is both fun and challenging for Irfan. This is an activity he does at Diet Plastik Indonesia as a Visual Designer. Irfan also really likes crafting and outdoor activities in his free time.
Hanna is the Project Officer for the Jakarta Reuse Movement Program, one of Diet Plastik Indonesia’s flagship programs. This movement) has the main goal of creating a lifestyle with a circular ecosystem through reuse solutions. Previously, Hanna started her career at Diet Plastik Indonesia as a Project Officer for the Plastic Free Market Program in Bandung City. He has a study background in agriculture, especially agribusiness, from Padjadjaran University.
Throughout his career, Arief started and built social impact organizations. He was one of the founders and Country Director of Change.org Indonesia for 10 years. That’s where he was taught about the issue of plastic waste, and joined the movement. He is also one of the founders of TEDxJakarta. He is now Global Director of Networks and Partnerships at Climate Catalyst.
Since school, Verena has had great enthusiasm for volunteering on environmental issues, until finally she had the opportunity to build several public movements that mobilized youth communities in various regions in Indonesia. She built Earth Hour in Indonesia with WWF-Indonesia from 2009 to 2014, joined Diet Plastik Indonesia in 2013, became one of the founders of Hutan Itu Indonesia in 2016, and initiated the #UbahJakarta MRT Jakarta campaign in 2017. Currently, Verena is Program Director at Koaksi Indonesia, an organization that focuses on accelerating the energy transition to tackle climate change through the Green Jobs campaign.
A Javanese son born in Sumatra, Joko is a cat lover who currently lives and enjoys the changing seasons in Geneva – except for winter – while catching Pokemon. Currently Joko acts as a Senior Advisor for the Forest for People and Climate Initiative (FPCI) program. Previously, Joko had experience as a journalist, campaigner at Greenpeace, Sustainability Manager at Carrefour, Managing Director for Inobu and Executive Board Member at the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
The profession of lawyer and love of nature led Gita Syahrani to a new profession, a mutual cooperation worker or convener for almost the last 10 years. Currently working for Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari, a district association that has sustainable development targets, Gita plays a role in establishing multi-stakeholder collaboration at the district level by working with young regional professionals. As a result, several districts have been able to innovate in policy, planning and sustainable business models to this day. Gita currently also manages a collective initiative to encourage sustainable business and investment in Indonesia, the Down to Earth Economic Coalition.
Tiza memimpin Dietplastik Indonesa, dan turut mendirikannya, sejak 2013. Ia merasa bersyukur ilmu hukum lingkungan yang dipelajarinya ketika kuliah dapat digunakan untuk membuat perubahan. Pada waktu senggang, Tiza senang membuat rumah boneka dari kardus untuk anak-anaknya dan melakukan olahraga air. Tiza adalah alumna Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (2002) dan Harvard Law School (2010).