Jakarta, August 3, 2023. The formulation of a joint solution to plastic pollution has been discussed globally in the international agreement on plastic pollution, known as the Global Plastic Treaty. In the discussion on the formulation of this treaty, one proposed solution is the reuse solution. GIDKP is running a reuse program to solve plastic pollution in line with this agenda. In running this program, a Reuse Infrastructure Grid describes the ecosystem of roles and relationships of actors in reuse initiatives within the framework of sustainable circularity. This model offers a holistic view of the reuse ecosystem network filled with various subjects, such as households/consumers, transportation and logistics roles, washing services, manufacturing industries, reuse container management services, retail, and government or related institutions.
In line with GIDKP’s reuse program, the Break Free From Plastic organization and the University of Portsmouth, UK, launched a report titled “Making Reuse A Reality,” which outlines four critical steps needed to make reuse a reality, starting from the first step of government policy to the stage of creating enabling conditions to make reuse the new norm.
The report defines reuse as a system, not a product or alternative to single-use plastics. “Reuse is a system. It’s a system that encourages multiple reuse of packaging, and it’s a system that doesn’t transfer ownership of the packaging to the consumer. The consumer only needs the product, so only the ownership of the product is transferred to the consumer. The reuse operator acts as the packaging owner and is responsible for taking the packaging back to be washed to maintain hygiene, refilling the product into the packaging, and distributing it.” Said Tiza Mafira, Executive Director of the Indonesian Plastic Bag Diet Movement.
In national policy, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry also has a Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No P75 on the Roadmap for Waste Reduction by Producers, which also encourages reuse.
“The practice of reuse has been carried out for a long time by local products or the MSME scale. This means that the community can accept and welcome initiatives like this. Ideally, this reuse system can also be applied to established brands. The application of reuse in the field is possible. Reuse is a form of tradition that we have. For example, like the traveling herbalist and bulk oilman that we have been using for a long time. For this reason, we also encourage producers to be willing to adopt the reuse system in their business.” Said Vinda Damayanti Ansjar, Director of Waste Reduction at the Ministry of Environment.
Currently, the practice of reuse has also begun to be promoted by Indonesia’s household product provider industry, as stated by Darina Maulana, Indonesia Program Lead Zero Waste Living Lab by Enviu. “Enviu is present in Indonesia as one of the solutions to reduce single-use plastic waste from disposable packaging often used for household products such as dish soap, floor cleaner, laundry soap, and so on. Not only that, Enviu also has a food container loan system that is provided to wrap food ordered online, and of course, we also work with merchants in Jakarta.”
Gesit Pambudi, PR Manager of The Body Shop Indonesia, also conveyed the same: “The Body Shop tries to be part of the reuse system by providing refillable cosmetics in several stores we currently have. We believe that even the smallest producer contribution can have a big enough impact to create a reuse system in Indonesia in particular.”
The reuse system is inseparable from the supervision of authorized parties to ensure the eligibility test of reusable products. The National Agency for Drug and Cosmetic Control (BPOM) already has Regulation No. 12 Year 2023 on the Supervision of the Manufacture and Distribution of Cosmetics that can be circulated with a refill system.
“Every product that is marketed must be good in terms of safety and quality. BPOM has issued Regulation No. 12 of 2023 concerning the Supervision of the Manufacture and Distribution of Cosmetics, which addresses refill cosmetics. Currently, BPOM is educating business actors by providing explanations regarding implementation. This Regulation regulates the entire process from production to storage to distribution.” Said Irwan, Director of Cosmetic Supervision of BPOM.
For these reasons, the Indonesian Plastic Bag Diet Movement is organizing a seminar and launching of the Break Free From Plastic Report in Indonesian translation “Realizing the Reuse System” aimed at the government, academics, businesses, civil society groups, and mass media in Indonesia who have concerns about controlling the dangers of plastic pollution and preparing for the single-use plastic ban in 2030.
Contact person
Renata Vania, Indonesia Plastic Bag Diet Movement