Asia Reuse Consortium Advocates for Reuse and Refill Solutions

Bangkok, August 23, 2024 — In a groundbreaking gathering of environmental advocates and leaders, the Asia Reuse Consortium convened in Bangkok to discuss and promote actionable solutions to combat plastic pollution through the adoption of reuse and refill practices. The event, which brought together key stakeholders from across the region, underscored the urgent need to […]
Reuse Movement: Solution to Replace Single-Use Plastic

Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri No. P75/2019 tentang Peta Jalan Pengurangan Sampah oleh Produsen, yang mana menargetkan per 1 Januari 2030, penggunaan plastik sekali pakai akan dilarang, dan produsen didorong untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam mengurangi limbah kemasan produknya. Peraturan ini mencakup berbagai bentuk pengurangan penggunaan plastik sekali pakai yang […]
Reuse In Jakarta

REUSE MOVEMENT Reuse In Jakarta Reuse Movement started in Jakarta Province in collaboration with Zero Waste Living Lab by Enviu. This program aims to reduce single-use plastic from everyday products which is still a major problem, such as food packaging, household product packaging and plastic packaging from online food delivery services. Few researches and documents […]
Reuse Protocol

REUSE MOVEMENT Reuse Protocol Reuse Protocol is a procedure prepared by Plasticdiet Indonesia to be applied in various events or situations, by providing reusable tools or items. This protocol is also implementing hygiene standards, especially for food and beverage products, as well as ensuring dissemination all information about the protocol to all stakeholders involved. The […]
Asia Reuse Consortium

REUSE MOVEMENT Asia Reuse Consortium Asia Reuse Consortium is a group of members of civil society organizations, businesses and local governments from Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and India whose aim is to encourage the development of reuse ecosystems as a solution to tackle plastic pollution in Asia. Asia Reuse Consortium has a mission to promote […]
Reuse Special Interest Group

Reuse Special Interest Group The Reuse Special Interest Group is a group of various organizations that encourage to create and implement of a comprehensive reuse system in Indonesia. Formed in 2022 by Plasticdiet Indonesia, Enviu, Cycling and P4G, the Reuse Special Interest Group has a mission to promote reuse system through joint development of reuse […]