Evaluation of Environmental and Social Impacts in Utilization of Sachet and Pouch and Solution Expansion for Reuse in Greater Jakarta”

Reuse system can contribute economic value to replace sachet and pouch packaging. Plasticdiet Indonesia together with Daya Makara UI conducted a study to determine the value of the economic and environmental impact produced by sachet and pouch packaging and also the public’s perception of using alternative products to replace sachets and pouches with a reuse […]
Draft Policy Recommendations for Limiting the Use of Single-Use Plastic in Food and Beverage Delivery Services in DKI Jakarta Province

The use of plastic food and beverage containers, especially in DKI Jakarta Province, has experienced a high increase in consumption due to the higher level of food and beverage shopping transactions through online applications. However, the lack of access to alternative reuse systems is believed to be one of the most significant barriers to adopting […]
Good Practice Guidelines for Single-Use Plastic Control

This guide is helpful for businesses to start shifting to a single-use, plastic-free business model to preserve the environment and save resources. More than 85% of businesses in DKI Jakarta Province have kept their organizational structure the same to execute single-use plastic waste control, and 71% of businesses have understood the benefits and immediately planned […]
DKI Jakarta City’s Reusable Packaging Monitoring-Evaluation Research Study on Food Delivery
The global project Export Initiative Environmental Protection, funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), aims to create sustainable and favourable conditions for introducing resource-efficient, climate-friendly, and innovative technologies in its target countries. For the regional project “Collaborative Action for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia” […]
Preliminary Study of the Risks of Reusable Packaging in Ready-to-Eat Food

One use of single-use packaging that needs to be replaced with reusable packaging is in food packaging, including ready-to-eat processed foods. The standard that must be considered in food packaging is food safety. To establish standards for reusable packaging for ready-to-eat processed foods, the Indonesian Plastic Bag Diet Movement (GIDKP), with support from GIZ within […]
Initial Screening for Microplastics in the Waters of DKI Jakarta Province

This initial screening aims to find out the presence of microplastics in Jakarta waters, which will be useful in providing information on the impact of microplastics on human life in general and the people of Jakarta in particular. This research also aims to recommend actions to reduce microplastic generation and handle microplastics. Sampling was carried […]
The Single-Use Plastic Ban Regulation Has an Impact on Reducing the Generation of Plastic Waste in Bali

Bali Province has banned single-use plastic bags, plastic straws and plastic polystyrene (styrofoam) since July 1 2019 through Regulation of the Governor of Bali Province Number 97 of 2018 concerning Restrictions on the Generation of Single-Use Plastic Waste. This regulation has gone through various challenges and has even been challenged through a judicial review lawsuit […]
Jakarta Announces Reduction in Use of Single-Use Plastic Bags

In an effort to create a Plastic Bag Free Indonesia, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has issued DKI Jakarta Provincial Governor Regulation No. 142 of 2019 concerning the Obligation to Use Environmentally Friendly Shopping Bags. This regulation came into effect on July 1 2020. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, the actions of the DKI Jakarta […]