Plastic Free Market

In carrying out the Plastic Free Market program, various communication materials, both visual and audio visual, were prepared, aimed at market residents, including traders, visitors, and even market management. Communication materials are also created to suit the market characteristics of each region. In the Plastic Free Market program. Diet Plastik Indonesia also compiles catalogs from […]
Socialization of Bandung Mayor Regulation No. 37 of 2019

The city of Bandung issued regulations regarding restrictions on the use of single-use plastic bags in stages, with a target of reducing the supply of single-use plastic bags by 100% by 2025. For this reason, Diet Plastik Indonesia collaborated with the Bandung City Environment and Hygiene Service to prepare visual communication materials to socialize the […]
Socialization of DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation No. 142 of 2019

Jakarta is a province that prohibits the use of single-use plastic shopping bags and requires reusable shopping bags. This rule applies to supermarkets, traditional markets and shopping centers. To socialize the contents of this regulation, Diet Plastik Indonesia collaborated with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Service to prepare visual material which was distributed to the […]
Initial Screening for Microplastics in the Waters of DKI Jakarta Province

This initial screening aims to find out the presence of microplastics in Jakarta waters, which will be useful in providing information on the impact of microplastics on human life in general and the people of Jakarta in particular. This research also aims to recommend actions to reduce microplastic generation and handle microplastics. Sampling was carried […]
Emmy Awards for Documentary Film “THE STORY OF PLASTICS”

The advantage of being an organization with a very specific issue is that it makes it easier for people who have the same concerns to find an institution that can give them a platform to contribute. This is one of the privileges that GIDKP has, namely being different as an environmental organization. Even though it […]

The issue of plastic waste in Indonesia was raised as an issue in the documentary film entitled Plastik Island. In this film, Tiza Mafira was chosen to be the one who explains what is needed to overcome plastic waste in Indonesia through public policies and campaigns.
The Single-Use Plastic Ban Regulation Has an Impact on Reducing the Generation of Plastic Waste in Bali

Bali Province has banned single-use plastic bags, plastic straws and plastic polystyrene (styrofoam) since July 1 2019 through Regulation of the Governor of Bali Province Number 97 of 2018 concerning Restrictions on the Generation of Single-Use Plastic Waste. This regulation has gone through various challenges and has even been challenged through a judicial review lawsuit […]
UN OCEAN Hero for Tiza Mafira

Tiza Mafira received the Ocean Hero award in 2018 by the United Nations Environmental Program based on winning the #pay4plastic petition which had the impact of reducing plastic bags in modern retail by 55 percent with the implementation of the No Free Plastic Bag Trial. After this trial, there were many regulations banning plastic bags […]
2019 Mental Revolution Award by the Coordinating Ministry for Humanitarian and Cultural Development

The advantage of being an organization with a very specific issue is that it makes it easier for people who have the same concerns to find an institution that can give them a platform to contribute. This is one of the privileges that GIDKP has, namely being different as an environmental organization. Even though it […]
Jakarta Announces Reduction in Use of Single-Use Plastic Bags

In an effort to create a Plastic Bag Free Indonesia, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has issued DKI Jakarta Provincial Governor Regulation No. 142 of 2019 concerning the Obligation to Use Environmentally Friendly Shopping Bags. This regulation came into effect on July 1 2020. Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, the actions of the DKI Jakarta […]