Reuse Tour 2024 Presents Learning to Expand Reuse Practices in Asia

Jakarta, January 13 2024. Waste generation is projected to increase by 70% to 3.4 billion tons in 2050. If no significant action is taken, this will be a major threat to the survival of living creatures on this earth. To be able to respond to this potential damage, Diet Plastik Indonesia and the Global Alliance […]
Reuse Tour and Conference 2024, Birth of the Asia Reuse Konsortium

Jakarta, 11 January 2024. In February 2022, the fifth session of The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) produced a historic resolution in the form of ideas for the development of binding international legal instruments regarding plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. This legal instrument, known as the “Global Plastic Agreement”, will be based on […]
Implementation of Reuse Protocols at Music Festivals

To be able to start implementing the reuse system in public activities, Diet Plastik Indonesia has prepared a Reuse Protocol which is implemented at the music festival, IKLIM Fest. The implementation of this reuse protocol applies to visitors, event performers and food and beverage providers in collaboration with 3 reuse operators, namely Allas, Taksu and […]
Reuse Special Interest Group Recommendations to a Zero Draft Global Plastic Treaty

Plasticdiet Indonesia Launches First Reuse Protocol at Music Festival in Bali

Ubud, 4 November 2023. The formulation of joint solutions to plastic pollution has been discussed globally in the international plastic pollution agreement or known as the Global Plastic Treaty. In discussions on the formulation of this agreement, one of the solutions proposed was a reuse solution. Responding to this agenda, Plasticdiet Indonesia is implementing the […]
Assistance in Preparation and Implementation of Single-Use Plastic Restriction Policies

One of the changes that Diet Plastik Indonesia wants to achieve is to create holistic change through regulations limiting single-use plastic. For this reason, we carry out assistance activities to the government in designing regulations and action plans related to limiting single-use plastics.
Plastic Free Market

The Plastic Free Market is a program initiated by Diet Plastik Indonesia since 2019. This program encourages a reduction in the use of single-use plastic in people’s or traditional markets as a source of waste generation. This program contains activities such as preliminary research, workshops for traders, campaigns for consumers, and monitoring of ongoing programs. […]
Reuse Movement

The Reuse Movement is a program initiated by Diet Plastik Indonesia to create a reuse ecosystem as a solution to replace single-use plastic. This program started in Jakarta in collaboration with Zero Waste Living Lab by Enviu. This program aims to reduce single-use plastic from everyday products which is still a major problem, such as […]
Creating a Reusable System

This report will explain the four important stages needed to realize a reuse system, starting from the first step to the stage of creating enabling conditions for reuse systems to become the new norm. These stages are based on some of the evidence presented in the earlier chapters of this report. Through these stages, reuse […]
DKI Jakarta City’s Reusable Packaging Monitoring-Evaluation Research Study on Food Delivery

The global project Export Initiative Environmental Protection, funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), aims to create sustainable and favourable conditions for introducing resource-efficient, climate-friendly, and innovative technologies in its target countries. For the regional project “Collaborative Action for Single-Use Plastic Prevention in Southeast Asia” (CAP […]