Encouraging Reduction of Single-Use Plastics in Markets, ‘Aisyiyah and Market Traders Participate in “My Market is My Place of Worship” Training

“My Market is My Place of Worship” is the theme carried by the Environmental and Disaster Management Institute (LLHPB) Central Leadership (PP) ‘Aisyiyah and the Indonesian Plastic Bag Diet Movement (GIDKP) in holding training for market traders and members of ‘Aisyiyah Branch – Branch to encourage the reduction of single-use plastic in traditional markets. The training, which was held on Wednesday, 24 August 2022, at the DKI Jakarta’ Aisyiyah Regional Leadership Office (PWA), was attended by 25 traders from West Tebet Market and 11 members of ‘Aisyiyah Branches from branches in West Tebet District and East Tebet District.

The training entitled “My Market is My Place of Worship” is a series of activities of the “Increasing Environmental Awareness through a Religious Approach” program, which GIDKP and LLHPB PP’ Aisyiyah are implementing. The focus of this program is to encourage a ban on the use of single-use plastic in traditional markets. West Tebet Market, a market in South Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province, was chosen as the location for implementing the program.

Reducing the Use of Single-Use Plastics as an Action of Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar

The importance of adopting a plastic bag diet as part of amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar was conveyed by Nurni Akma as Chair of LLHPB PP’ Aisyiyah when she had the opportunity to open this training. “Allah has said, And let there be a group of you who invite people to do good deeds and prevent evil deeds. And whoever does that, then you are a lucky person,” said Nurni, quoting a verse from the Koran, Surah Ali’ Imran Verse 104. “What we are doing is to prevent wrongdoing; it turns out that plastic is hazardous for humans both now and in the future. “Research has been carried out that plastic cannot decompose in a short time, but takes a very long time, thousands or even hundreds of years,” he added.

Rewards that Flow in Every Kindness

“The Prophet SAW once said that if you see evil, then prevent it with your hand, with your power. Suppose you can’t then stop it with your words. If you can’t, then prevent it with your heart, then that is the weakest faith.” explained Nurni, quoting one of the Hadiths of Muslim History. “Let’s make my market my place of worship, make the market a place for buying and selling while also educating the wider community to reduce the use of single-use plastic. Whoever teaches goodness and goodness is followed by other people, he will get the same reward as that person,” he said. “The Prophet SAW was a trader. Being a trader is the noblest job, but we must also always have morals in trading. “Hopefully, the good things that we spread among the community, especially to reduce the use of single-use plastic, will become good deeds that will continue to flow to us,” he concluded.

Expectations from Government Institutions

Assistant Manager for Trade Empowerment at Perumda Pasar Jaya, Debora Nainggola, hopes that this training will produce input, both from individual traders and from the ‘Aisyiyah – Muhammadiyah and GIDKP organizations. “We hope that the results of the discussions in this training will produce recommendations on the most appropriate methods to reduce the use of single-use plastics in the market so that they can be implemented both in the West Tebet Market and in other markets managed by Perumda Pasar Jaya,” he said.

Also, on this occasion, the Head of the Cleanliness Management Section of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Service, Rita Ningsih, was present to explain the waste management data collected by her agency. “Trash in DKI Jakarta Province has reached 7,400 tons per day. There are various types of waste, one of which is plastic waste. This type of plastic can affect human health. “The target set regarding restrictions on use is single-use plastic shopping bags,” said Rita. “By collaborating with GIDKP and LLHPB’ Aisyiyah through a different approach, through a worship approach, we hope that a lot will change in the market, especially reducing the use of single-use plastic bags,” he added.

Protecting Nature is the Duty of Every Muslim

Syahrul Ramadhan from the Muhammadiyah Green Cadre community was present to explain Environmental Theology. According to him, the environment is God’s creation and gift that must be maintained and must not be damaged. “And seek (the reward of) the land of the afterlife with what Allah has bestowed upon you, but do not forget your share in this world and do good (to others) as Allah has done good to you, and do not cause earth damage. Indeed, Allah does not like people who do damage,” explained Syahrul, quoting the verse of the Qur’an, Surah Al-Qashash, Verse 77. “So every Muslim is obliged to conserve natural resources and their ecosystem. “Every Muslim is also prohibited from carrying out businesses or actions that cause damage to the natural environment,” he added.

Need support from all market elements

Zakiyus Shadicky, GIDKP’s Engagement & Insight Manager, shared the learning results from managing the previous Plastic Free Market program at West Tebet Market. “Successful tips for implementing plastic-free waste include the need to build communication between traders and consumers to reduce the use of single-use plastic,” said Zakiyus. “Apart from that, there needs to be enforcement of regulations by local governments through guidance, counseling, and others to ensure the sustainability of the program in the long term,” he concluded.

Source: LLHPB PP ‘Aisyiyah and GIDKP Team



Information: The importance of adopting a plastic bag diet as part of the amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar was conveyed by Nurni Akma as Chair of LLHPB PP ‘Aisyiyah when she had the opportunity to open the training “My Market, My Place of Worship” (24/8/2022) (Doc. GIDKP)

Description: Assistant Manager for Trade Empowerment at Perumda Pasar Jaya, Debora Nainggola, hopes that the training “My Market is My Place of Worship” (24/8/2022) will produce input, both from individual traders and from the ‘Aisyiyah – Muhammadiyah and GIDKP organizations. (Doc. GIDKP)

Caption: Head of the Cleanliness Management Section of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Service Rita Ningsih (center) was present to explain the waste management data collected by her agency at the training “My Market, My Place of Worship” (24/8/2022) (Doc. GIDKP)

Caption: Syahrul Ramadhan from the Muhammadiyah Green Cadre community was present to explain Environmental Theology at the “My Market, My Place of Worship” training (24/8/2022) (Doc. GIDKP)

Caption: Zakiyus Shadicky as GIDKP’s Engagement & Insight Manager, shares learning results from managing the previous Plastic Free Market program at West Tebet Market at the “My Market is My Place of Worship” training (24/8/2022) (Doc. GIDKP)
Description: Enthusiastic participants in the group discussion session at the “Pasarku My Place of Worship” training (24/8/2022) (Doc. GIDKP)

Description: Enthusiastic participants in the group discussion session at the “Pasarku My Place of Worship” training (24/8/2022) (Doc. GIDKP)

Description: Enthusiastic participants in the group discussion session at the “Pasarku My Place of Worship” training (24/8/2022) (Doc. GIDKP)

Description: Enthusiastic participants in the group discussion session at the “Pasarku My Place of Worship” training (24/8/2022) (Doc. GIDKP)

Tiza Mafira

Executive DirEctor

Tiza has led Diet Plastik Indonesia, and co-founded it, since 2013. She feels grateful that the environmental law knowledge she learned in college can be used to make changes. In her spare time, Tiza enjoys making doll houses out of cardboard for her children and doing water sports. Tiza is an alumna of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (2002) and Harvard Law School (2010).

Tiza Mafira

Executive DirEctor

Tiza memimpin Dietplastik Indonesa, dan turut mendirikannya, sejak 2013. Ia merasa bersyukur ilmu hukum lingkungan yang dipelajarinya ketika kuliah dapat digunakan untuk membuat perubahan. Pada waktu senggang, Tiza senang membuat rumah boneka dari kardus untuk anak-anaknya dan melakukan olahraga air. Tiza adalah alumna Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia (2002) dan Harvard Law School (2010).