Kosambi and Cihapit markets are becoming Bandung’s first plastic-free and environmentally friendly markets.

Bandung (8 November 2021). The joint efforts of the Bandung City Government, the Regional Public Company (Perumda) Pasar Juara, and the Indonesian Plastic Bag Diet Movement (GIDKP) in realizing the first plastic-free and environmentally friendly market in Bandung will soon be recognized. Starting November 15, 2021, a trial of limiting single-use plastic will be conducted […]
Encouraging Marketplaces to Provide Online Shopping Packaging Options that Minimize Single-use Plastic

Jakarta, October 7, 2021. Towards the 10.10 (October 10, 2021) discount party, several Plastic Free March movement representatives conducted a virtual talk show with the theme “The Role of Marketplaces in Providing Innovative Solutions for Online Shopping Packaging.” This talk show aims to prevent the accumulation of single-use plastic in the delivery of goods at […]